This website is owned and operated by The Pearl Clinic, LLC. We believe in the importance of your privacy online. We do, however, gather some information from you to help create applications that provide a better user experience. This privacy policy was created to better help you understand what information is gathered and how we plan to use this information now and into the future.

Voluntary Information

Some information collected through this website is done so by voluntary submissions. These voluntary submissions include questions or comments asked through web forms, user e-mail's provided for use to send or receive information such as newsletters, or information provided when/if participating on the website (e.g. signing up for a forum or other personal account).

Aggregated Tracking Information

We also collect anonymous information based on how our website is being used. This information includes time spent using a particular page, how often a page is viewed, or where users may have problems when using our website. All of this information is used anonymously to create a better experience for our users. An example of this includes reviewing low trafficked pages on our website and sprucing up the content to make it more relevant to you and our other users.

Cookies and Other Saved Simple Text

Cookies may be used to save some basic information about your usage of our website. The cookies themselves do not contain any personal information. They do, however, help streamline your experiences with our website. An example of this is to save the latest date you visited the website. When you visited our website the first time a special notice may appear to welcome you to our website for the first time. When you return, our website will notice a saved cookie and possibly say "Welcome Back" instead.


Our website is located on a secure network that uses industry standard practices to keep it secure. All passwords or sensitive information is encrypted when saved. Our website and server security is being updated regularly to provide the safest user experience possible.

The Agreement

By using this website you agree to the collection and use of the information described above. Our policies could possibly be changed if new features are created in the future. Please be sure to review these policies often to ensure your privacy on our website is protected.

Notice of Privacy Practices

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This Notice (above) describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you may obtain access to this information. Please read it carefully.